Idea Rs 179 Recharge: The idea has introduced the best recharge plan with Rs 179 on Monday to counter its competitor network Reliance Jio. Idea Rs179 Recharge plan gives 1GB Data per day and unlimited voice calls for a period of 28 days. The Idea 179 recharge can be done through Idea app MyIdea or from the Idea website. The Idea is offering the most affordable recharge plan when compared with the other networks.
Idea Rs 179 Recharge – Get Unlimited Voice Calls, 1GB Date For 28 Days
The pre-paid offers war is going on in between the mobile services. Recently, the Jio, Airtel, and Vodafone have launched various offers with same privileges of 1GB Data and free voice calls. Airtel has recently announced Rs 448 recharge plan with 1GB 3G/4G Data per day, and free voice calls, 100 SMS for 70 Days. While the Reliance Jio has increased the data limit on Rs 149 recharge plan.
Idea Rs 179 Recharge Offer
Recharge via My Idea App/Website and get 250MB More.
Idea subscribers can get unlimited local/STD calls with recharge of Rs 179. All local, roaming calls across India are free for 28 days using the Rs 179 recharge plan for prepaid users. Earlier, Idea revealed a Rs 357 plan offering 1GB data for each day to endorsers. Idea’s Rs 357 plan, that appears to have been launched to go up against Jio’s official Rs 399 plan, offers unlimited (local and STD) calls and 1GB data for each day, and 100 SMS. Once more, roaming isn’t free. Jio’s Rs 399 plan, in the meantime, offers free roaming also, notwithstanding unlimited voice calling and 1GB data for each day. Also, Jio’S Rs 399 plan has a validity of 70 days while Idea’s Rs 357 plan accompanies a validity of 28 days. Idea offers unlimited calls, 1GB everyday data and 100 SMS with a validity of 70 days; in any case, the plan that covers these viewpoints is selective for the Delhi-NCR hover until further notice.
Idea isn’t the main telecom executive taking off new calling plans, everywhere, nowadays. Airtel just as of late pushed another Rs 448 plan for prepaid clients to go up against Jio’s Rs 399 plan. Airtel’s Rs 448 plan offers 70GB 3G/4G data: 1GB 3G/4G data for every day for a time of 70 days. Idea is at present during the time spent finishing its deal to Vodafone. The plan that was reported a couple of months sooner is probably going to shut in the following couple of months.